
日本信頼性学会 秋季シンポジウムにおける

場所:一般財団法人日本科学技術連盟 東高円寺ビル(杉並区高円寺南1-2-1)



カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ


4部会合同研究会 ~確率モデルの新展開~



日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 4部会合同研究会


カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ



場所:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス(アクセスはこちら

14:40 受付
講演者: 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 東京基礎研究所  
    研究員 増田 聡 氏
タイトル(仮): Quality for Machine Learning Systems in Industry Case Studies
概要(仮): As machine learning (ML) techniques continue to spread by rapid evolution, systems or services using ML techniques, called ML systems, make big impact on our life, society and economy. Meanwhile, quality for ML systems is quite more difficult than traditional systems based on explicit specifications. In this presentation, we discuss quality for ML systems in industry case studies. The case studies include testing of an automated driving software simulation and a question answering robot.

15:50~16:00 休憩
講演者:パナソニック株式会社オートモーティブ&インダストリアルシステムズ社 オートモーティブ事業担当 インフォテインメントシステム事業部 純正Ⅱビジネスユニット
    ビジネスユニット長 茨木 晋 氏



カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ


日本信頼性学会 春季シンポジウムにおける

日時:2018年6月4日(月) 時間等については開催プログラムをご覧ください.
場所:一般財団法人日本科学技術連盟 東高円寺ビル(杉並区高円寺南1-2-1)地下1階講堂・3階A室(地図はこちら


○村島 慶洋(首都大院),山本 久志(首都大),肖霄(首都大),秋葉 知昭(千葉工大)
 本研究ではイベントトリガ型のデータ通信に特化したRTA(response time analysis)手法を提案する.具体的には,待ち行列理論を応用したRTAモデルを記述し,それをもとに任意のメッセージについて応答時間のおよその確率分布を求める.
Hawkes過程を用いた ショックに相関のある劣化システムの信頼性解析
 本稿では,システムの劣化が相関のあるショックによって生じる累積損傷モデルを新たに提案し,そのシステムの信頼性評価を行う.具体的には,ショックの発生が確率過程の1つである Hawkes 過程に従うと仮定し,そのショックが一定回数発生することで故障するシステムを考える.この仮定により提案モデルは,あるショックの発生によって,以降のショックの発生確率が瞬間的に高まる劣化現象を表現する. 本稿は,この意味でショックに相関があると呼び, その相関の有無によってシステムの信頼度がどのように変化するのかを,数値実験を通して示す.
趙 雲路(広島大院),○土肥 正(広島大),岡村 寛之(広島大)
 本稿では, 実際のプログラムにテストケースを投入したテストケース実行データから累積バグ数を推定・予測し, ソフトウェア信頼性における時間スケールの選択が与える影響について定量的に考察する. 特に, 14種類のバグ検出確率を仮定し, NHBPモデルと2種類の近似ポアソン過程モデルを最尤法に基づいて推定する.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ




日時:2018年1月20日(土) 14:30開場,15:00講演~16:00
会場:NATULUCK飯田橋東口 駅前店(〒102-0072 東京都千代田区飯田橋4丁目8)


カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ


4部会合同研究会 ~確率モデルの新展開~

1. 実行委員(敬称略)

2. 主催

3. 共催

4. 日時

5. 会場
広島市中区大手町1丁目5-3 広島県民文化センター5階

6. プログラム(敬称略)
13:00 – 開場・受付
13:15 – 13:20 開会挨拶
13:20 – 14:50


14:50 – 15:00 休憩
15:00 – 16:30


16:30 – 16:40 休憩
16:40 – 17:40 招待講演
講演題目:A Model of Price Impact Function
概要:Institutional traders consider liquidity in addition to prices when they trade. Their large trades create price impacts, which incur the risks of slippage and unfavorable market conditions that adversely affect their profit. We propose a generic framework to model the market price of liquidity risk. By setting the framework’s parameters appropriately, we obtain different closed-form solutions of price impact function and the market price of liquidity risk. One particular price impact function is concave with respect to the order flow. We also find a proportional relationship between illiquidity and volatility. These features of our model are qualitatively consistent with existing empirical evidence. (OR学会中国四国支部

17:40 – 17:50 閉会挨拶
19:00 – 情報交換会(受付を締め切らせて頂きました。参加費5000円)

7. その他


カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントをどうぞ


Summer Joint Research Workshop on Reliability: Theory and Practice

日時:2017年8月5日(土) 14:00





・Research Center for Energy Integrity Systems in Tokyo Metropolitan University and Special Interest Group on Reliability of the Operations Research Society of Japan (co-organized)

お問合せ: 当サイトのお問い合わせ欄からお送りください


Title: Reliability and Availability Modeling in Practice
Speaker: Dr. Kishor S. Trivedi, Duke University, North Carolina, USA
High reliability and availability is a requirement for most technical systems. Reliability and availability assurance methods based on probabilistic models is the topic being addressed in this seminar. Non-state-space solution methods are often used to solve models based on reliability block diagrams, fault trees and reliability graphs. Relatively efficient algorithms are known to handle systems with hundreds of components and have been implemented in many software packages. Nevertheless, many practical problems cannot be handled by such algorithms. Bounding algorithms are then used in such cases as was done for a major subsystem of Boeing 787. Non-state-space methods derive their efficiency from the independence assumption that is often violated in practice. State space methods based on Markov chains, stochastic Petri nets, semi-Markov and Markov regenerative processes can be used to model various kinds of dependencies among system components. However, the resulting state space explosion severely restricts the size of the problem that can be solved. Hierarchical and fixed-point iterative methods provide a scalable alternative that combines the strengths of state space and non-state-space methods and have been extensively used to solve real-life problems. We will take a journey through these model types via interesting real-world examples.




Title: Detection Method of Impassable Roads for Efficient Tsunami Evacuation Guidance
Speaker: Dr. Raito Matsuzaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
In recently, earthquake disasters are frequent, and many people die or go missing when a tsunami strikes after the earthquake. Therefore, we need to evacuate quickly to an elevated position for reducing damage. In our research, we propose the tsunami evacuation support system for efficient tsunami evacuation. This system can maintain to construct ad-hoc networks using home servers for smart homes in the case of an existing network disconnection. Moreover, we propose the detection method of impassable roads by other evacuees behavior for efficient tsunami evacuation guidance. We evaluate the proposed system by experiment.




Title: A New Approach for Executing Differential Calculus and Application to Failure Rate Analysis
Speaker: Dr. Masahiro Hayashi
We propose a new approach to executing differential calculus using simple 2 by 2 matrices and demonstrate an important application to the reliability engineering field. This matrix approach prevents an exponential increase in computation time of the post-expression obtained by differential calculus and shows instead a linear increase. This approach is a breakthrough for solving computation problems not only in the reliability engineering field but also in almost all science and engineering fields because differential calculus is essential to and commonly used in almost all of them.

カテゴリー: ご案内 | コメントをどうぞ



日時:平成29年6月6日(火) 14:30-15:30
場所:広島大学工学部 A1-731
講師:Ming J Zuo, Professor, University of Alberta, Canada
講演題目:Reliability Assurance and PHM: Key Challenges
講演概要:This talk addresses key challenges in assurance of the reliability of systems in continuous operation utilizing condition monitoring data. Key issues include quantification of the health status of system in operation and the relationship between health indicators and the predicted remaining useful life. The covered research aspects include fault detection, fault assessment, fault diagnosis, deterioration trend prediction, reliability assessment, maintenance optimization models and methods, and decision-making tools for inspection, maintenance, and operation.

カテゴリー: ご案内 | タグ: | コメントをどうぞ



場所:INP-ENSE^3, GreEn-ER, 21 Avenue des martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France
Web site: http://mmr2017.imag.fr/

本年開催のMMR (Mathematical Methods in Reliability) にSpecial Sessionを3件設定させて頂き,それぞれ3件ずつ,日本からの参加予定者の方々にご講演・討論をお願いしております.ご興味のお有りの方は是非この機会にグルノーブルへお出かけください.現地にてお待ちしております.

Advanced Mathematical Methods in System Reliability and Maintenance – Special session organized by the Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ) – 1

Presenter 1: Taishin Nakamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Title: Necessary Conditions for Optimal Arrangement of Connected-(r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F Lattice System with Minimal Cuts Overlapping
Authors: Taishin Nakamura, Hisashi Yamamoto, Xiao Xiao, Natsumi Takahashi and Tomoaki Akiba
Abstract: A connected-(r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system consists of m×n components arranged as an (m,n) matrix, and fails if and only if the system has an (r,s) sub-matrix where all components fail. One of the most significant problems in reliability theory is the component arrangement problem (CAP) on the assumption that component reliabilities are given and components are interchangeable. The CAP is to find optimal arrangements of components to maximize the system reliability. By taking optimal arrangements into account, we can make the best use of limited resources and maximize the performance of the system.
In this study, we provide necessary conditions for the optimal arrangement of the connected-(r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system with its minimal cuts overlapping, that is, m<2r or n<2s. Since we calculate the reliability of only the systems corresponding to the arrangements satisfying the conditions, we can considerably reduce the search space for the CAP. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm by performing numerical experiments.

Presenter 2: Lu Jin (The University of Electro-Communications)
Title: Operation and Maintenance Policy with Flexible Load Sharing
Authors: Lu Jin, Tomofumi Uwano, and Kazuyuki Suzuki
Abstract: An integrated operation and maintenance policy with flexible load sharing is proposed for multiple-component deteriorating systems under a constant total workload. The underlying deterioration process of the system, which depends on the workload allocation, is described by a discrete-time Markov chain. The decision-making problem is formulated as a Markov decision process that minimizes the total expected cost (both operation and maintenance costs) on an infinite horizon. The properties of the resulting optimal decision policies are investigated, and a set of sufficient conditions for a monotone policy to be optimal are provided. The efficiency of the proposed integrated operation and maintenance policy with flexible load sharing is demonstrated through a numerical example.

Presenter 3: Hiroyuki Okamura (Hiroshima University)
Title: A note on computation of quasi-stationary distribution in continuous-time Markov chains
Authors: Hiroyuki Okamura and Tadashi Dohi
Abstract: This paper discusses the computation of quasi-stationary distribution for continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC). The quasi-stationary distribution is defined as a left eigenvector of an infinitesimal generator of the CTMC with absorbing states. Compared to the computation of steady-state probability vector of CTMC, the computation cost of quasi-stationary distribution is much higher. In the paper, we introduce an iterative approach to obtain the quasi-stationary distribution, which is similar to Gauss-Seidel algorithm for the computation of steady-state probability vector.

System Reliability and Maintenance Modeling – Special session organized by the Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ) – 2

Presenter 1: Shuhei Ota (Hosei University)
Title: A study on reliability deterioration and improvement of coherent
systems under dependent failure-occurrence environment
Authors: Shuhei Ota and Mitsuhiro Kimura
Abstract: In this study, we investigate the effect of dependent failure
occurrence on system reliability assessment. In general, it is known
that an n-component parallel system cannot deliver its designed
reliability if the lifetimes of the individual components have positive
dependence. On the other hand, an $n$-component series system can exceed
its designed reliability under such dependent failure-occurrence
environment. This research analyzes to what extent the dependence among
the components worsens/improves the reliability of n-component coherent
systems. The dependence among the components is modeled by FGM copula.
We obtain the results by using numerical examples. Moreover, in these
examples, we newly consider the allowable values of the parameters of
FGM copula although they have been simply assumed [0,1]^n in the

Presenter 2: Syouji Nakamura (Kinjo Gakuin University)
Title: Optimum Incremental Backup Policies with Failures at Random
Updating Times
Authors: Syouji Nakamura, Xufeng Zhao, and Toshio Nakagawa
Abstract: In order to ensure the data security, plans of incremental
backups are usually set up to save the costs which is suffered from full
backups. In this paper, we suppose that failures occur at data updating
times and incremental backups are implemented only at the end of data
updates and full backups are done at time $T$ and update $N$ to balance
the costs of data backup and failure recovery. Using the theory of
renewal process, we obtain the expected costs of backup and recovery and
the expected cost rates for full backups. Optimum solutions of $T$ and $
N$ to minimize the expected cost rates are discussed in analytical ways
and computed with numerical examples.

Presenter 3: Shinji Inoue (Kansai University)
Title: Markovian Imperfect Debugging Modeling for Software Reliability
Assessment with Change-Point
Authors: Shinji Inoue and Shigeru Yamada
Abstract: We discuss Markovian software reliability modeling with the
effects of change-point and imperfect debugging environment. Testing-
time when the characteristic of the software failure-occurrence or fault
-detection phenomenon changes notably is called {¥it change-point}.
Considering the effect at change-point on software reliability growth
process must be important to improve the accuracy of software
reliability assessment. And, assuming imperfect debugging activities in
software reliability modeling contributes to reflecting more actual
situation of debugging activities. We also show numerical illustration
of our model for software reliability analysis by using actual data.

Warranty and Maintenance Modeling with Applications – Special session organized by the Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ) – 3

Presenter 1: Tomohiro Kitagawa (National Defence Academy of Japan)
Title: Three repair options depending on failure time for a system equipped on ship
Authors: Tomohiro Kitagawa, Tetsushi Yuge, and Shigeru Yanagi
Abstract: A maintenance model for a system equipped on ship taking a voyage with a random duration is proposed. When a failure occurs, one action is chosen from three, return to the base, instantaneous repair on-site and to leave it alone and repair it after the end of the voyage. Our goal is to determine the optimal action depending on the occurrence time of failures, where the optimal policy minimizes the expected cost until the completion of one voyage, ensuring a certain mean availability.

Presenter 2: Nobuyuki Tamura (Hosei University)
Title: State-age-dependent replacement policy for a semi-Markovian deteriorating system with major and minor failures
Author: Nobuyuki Tamura
Abstract: We consider a multi-state system whose deterioration is modeled as a semi-Markov process with an absorbing state. The system can suffer major and minor failures. When the system reaches the absorbing state, a major failure occurs and the system is replaced. Meanwhile, minor failures can occur depending upon the state and the sojourn time. Upon the occurrence of a minor failure, the system is minimally repaired. For the system, we propose a state-age-dependent replacement policy which minimizes the expected long-run cost rate. Also, we investigate structural properties of the optimal replacement policy.

Presenter 3: Yu Hayakawa (Waseda University)
Title: Delayed reporting of faults in warranty claims
Authors: Richard Arnold, Stefanka Chukova, and Yu Hayakawa
Abstract: We present a model for the delayed reporting of faults: multiple non-fatal faults are accumulated and then simultaneously reported and repaired. The reporting process is modelled as a stochastic process dependent on the underlying stochastic process generating the faults. The joint distribution of the reporting times and numbers of reported faults is derived. We will also present a few extensions of the above model, which deal with multiple fault types, planned preventative maintenance and customer rush.

カテゴリー: ご案内 | コメントをどうぞ


日本信頼性学会 春季シンポジウムにおける

場所:一般財団法人 日本科学技術連盟 本部(西新宿2-7-1小田急第一生命ビル


Title: A note on a statistical detection method of cascading failure for parallel systems
Authors: Shuhei OTA and Mitsuhiro KIMURA (Hosei University)
Abstract: Cascading failure, one kind of dependent failures, is a phenomenon in which the failure occurrence of one component triggers other failures. The trigger component can cause a huge number of failures after it fails if other components strongly rely on the trigger component. For example, this phenomenon is observed in complex network systems such as blackouts of power transmission systems. As a result, the cascading failure causes the reliability deterioration of the systems. From the viewpoint of reliability management, the factors of the cascading failure should be ideally eliminated before the utilization of the system. In this study, we propose a statistical detection method of the cascading failure occurrence in n-component parallel systems. This research contributes to the cause analysis of the cascading failure occurrence in the n-component parallel system. The cascading failure is modeled by hazard rate switching mechanism. We assume that the lifetime distribution of the remaining components changes if such a trigger component actually exists and fails. The cascading failure occurrence can be detected by identifying the change of the distribution. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation studies.

Title: Conditions for the optimal arrangement of a connected-(m-1,s)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system
Authors: Taishin NAKAMURA, Hisashi YAMAMOTO, Sayaka MATSUO, Xiao XIAO (Tokyo Metropolitan University), and Tomoaki AKIBA (Chiba Institute of Technology)
Abstract: A connected-(r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system consists of m×n components arranged as an (m,n) matrix, and fails if and only if the system has an (r,s) sub-matrix where all components are failed. One of the most important problems in reliability theory is the component arrangement problem (CAP) on the assumption that component reliabilities are given, and components are interchangeable. The CAP is to find the optimal arrangement of components to maximize system reliability. By taking CAP into account, we can make the best use of limited resources and maximize the performance of the system.
In this study, we provide necessary conditions for the optimal arrangement of the connected-(r,s)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system in the case of r=m-1. Since we only need to calculate the reliability of the systems corresponding to the arrangements satisfying the necessary conditions, our proposal necessary conditions can considerably reduce the search space for the patterns of component arrangements. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm by numerical experiments.

Title: Compromised life test plan for accelerated degradation test of three factor stress level
Author: Takenori SAKUMURA (Chuo University)
Abstract: Accelerated degradation tests (ADT) are often used to quickly find the life of materials such as electrical insulators. An ADT consists of several high levels of stress and the number of samples at that level. Each sample is subjected to the stress for a certain evaluation time and the degradation rate at that time is measured. The time when the degradation reaches a certain threshold is regarded as the failure time. The lifetime can be predicted from the obtained failure time data under the assumption that the physical law is empirically established between the stress and the lifetime and the logarithmic lifetime follows a specific probability distribution under a certain stress. In this research, focusing on finding the optimum sample allocation number, consider the case where the number of stress levels is three. In order to consider the reality, we use the mathematical model obtained from actual experimental data and its parameter value.

Title: Analysis for the Conditions of Component Assignment for the Optimal Arrangement of a k-Window System
Author: Tomoaki Akiba (Chiba Institute of Technology)
Abstract: k-window system in this study is an application system of the consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system. This system can be expressed to the occurring of a failure in the system when a certain extent intensive components failure happens in the system. One of the most important problems for this kind of system is the optimal arrangement problem. In the previous study, we confirmed by the simulation approaches that optimal arrangement of k-window system. However, this component arrangement depends on the system parameters k, r and components reliabilities. In this study, we provide necessary conditions of component assignment for the optimal arrangement of k-window system by the mathematical analysis.

カテゴリー: ご案内 | コメントをどうぞ